Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mermaid in a Fish Tank!


I have been captured! How can one swim fast with an injured tail?

Why is it that men find mermaids fascinating? Is it because they have stories to tell ? Is it because they travel in worlds unseen by human eye? Or is it because they can adapt to any environment and any situation?
Well I cannot adapt to living in a fish tank!
I cannot live constrained in these glass walls just to be in water!
I shall stay here just for a while...just until my tail heals! As soon as I can swim, far away it will be! The only thing I 'll be leaving behind is my heart! I coughed it out anyway! I don't need it anymore.... I can still be who I am without a heart. It will make things less complicated!
The strange thing about being in a fish tank is that the people that put you there forget about your existence. Suddenly they walk and talk forgetting or maybe ignoring your presence. Involuntary overhearing can become unbearably torturing!
I swallow my pills.... For the pain they said, but I doubt it! One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you illusion of fitting into their world....they just want to make me get used to the fish tank!  And right there, trying to find a way out of the mess I got myself into, I overhear the most compelling, extraordinary, mind blowing truth I have ever heard!

"How long is forever? asked Alice. "Sometimes just one second" answered the  white rabbit!

                                                                                                                           Copyright © 2013  Emilia

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