Sunday, May 26, 2013

Anything Can Happen!

Tonight is the night of the full moon! I ' m at my usual place on the dock, and without much thinking I make a life review.... the time in the fish tank has changed me!
Last night I had a chat with Peter Pan... What a character!! He flew through the open window, saw the fish tank, stuck his nose on the glass and fell on the floor laughing!!!
"You crazy mermaid" he yelled!
"What are you doing in that glass box??"
He took one leap and landed in my water,  clothes on, shoes on and a chocolate-chip cookie in his hand!
He sat crossed legged opposite me, chewing on his soggy cookie, looked at me with the most mischievous look, and said:
" So?? Why are you still in here love?"
Before I even had the chance to reply, he stuck his arm out and put the half-eaten soggy cookie in my face!
"Eat it! It's divine! It will change your mood! "
As I stuffed the chocolatey goo in my mouth, speechless since I was caught completely off guard, I listened to his words  carefully!
" Happy thoughts! That's all you need! Instead of drowning in your fish tank, make happy thoughts! And the moment you change the pattern of your thoughts, you will shift the vibration of your existence and when you do that...anything can happen!" In the blink of an eye he was out of the fish tank, shaking the water off his clothes. He stood on the window pane,  looked at me with a huge smile on his face and jumped! Two minutes later he appeared at the window again and shouted: " Remember! Anything can happen! "
I spent the rest of the night thinking about what he said! And by the next evening I was already having happy thoughts! So getting out of the fish tank was not hard at all... I removed the chain where I had hung my heart a few days earlier and wore it as a necklace, and carefully packed it in a jewel box a friend had brought in one of her visits!  I put a note with it saying "to be used in the near future" and left it  in the fish tank.
So tonight here I am, at my favorite spot, making a life review! I look at the magical lake stretching before my eyes and I dive, losing myself in the infinite void!
Tonight I shall ride the moonbeams and travel to unknown lands.And as my skin becomes a shiny layer of golden scales, I shall remember my life but I shall never return!!
I sing... "Anything can happen" and disappear in the night!

Copyright © 2013 Emilia

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