Sunday, May 26, 2013

Anything Can Happen!

Tonight is the night of the full moon! I ' m at my usual place on the dock, and without much thinking I make a life review.... the time in the fish tank has changed me!
Last night I had a chat with Peter Pan... What a character!! He flew through the open window, saw the fish tank, stuck his nose on the glass and fell on the floor laughing!!!
"You crazy mermaid" he yelled!
"What are you doing in that glass box??"
He took one leap and landed in my water,  clothes on, shoes on and a chocolate-chip cookie in his hand!
He sat crossed legged opposite me, chewing on his soggy cookie, looked at me with the most mischievous look, and said:
" So?? Why are you still in here love?"
Before I even had the chance to reply, he stuck his arm out and put the half-eaten soggy cookie in my face!
"Eat it! It's divine! It will change your mood! "
As I stuffed the chocolatey goo in my mouth, speechless since I was caught completely off guard, I listened to his words  carefully!
" Happy thoughts! That's all you need! Instead of drowning in your fish tank, make happy thoughts! And the moment you change the pattern of your thoughts, you will shift the vibration of your existence and when you do that...anything can happen!" In the blink of an eye he was out of the fish tank, shaking the water off his clothes. He stood on the window pane,  looked at me with a huge smile on his face and jumped! Two minutes later he appeared at the window again and shouted: " Remember! Anything can happen! "
I spent the rest of the night thinking about what he said! And by the next evening I was already having happy thoughts! So getting out of the fish tank was not hard at all... I removed the chain where I had hung my heart a few days earlier and wore it as a necklace, and carefully packed it in a jewel box a friend had brought in one of her visits!  I put a note with it saying "to be used in the near future" and left it  in the fish tank.
So tonight here I am, at my favorite spot, making a life review! I look at the magical lake stretching before my eyes and I dive, losing myself in the infinite void!
Tonight I shall ride the moonbeams and travel to unknown lands.And as my skin becomes a shiny layer of golden scales, I shall remember my life but I shall never return!!
I sing... "Anything can happen" and disappear in the night!

Copyright © 2013 Emilia

Thursday, May 23, 2013


My world today is Blue! And I am not talking just color …

As a mermaid I have always lived in the Big blue…. So blue has been a way of life. Here though, on the 3-D earth reality, Blue comes to me in different waves, forcing me to look at things from a different perspective… it comes as feelings, as music, as memories of long forgotten holidays, as little flowers growing on humid spring soil beds out in the fields… as the magnificent blue cape of protection provided by the beloved Archangel Michael, as baldness portrayed in funky nail varnish….
…And I‘ve still got the Blues for you…..Gary Moore singing in the background.
I do, I've got the Blues, and I’m really down these days… I don’t know if it’s the fish tank, (kind of getting used to it) or the continuous solar and lunar eclipse energies hitting me this month.
 I caught a little glimpse of the growing moon at dawn today. Cool morning air, soft humid clouds and a rosy hue that tickled my heart. ‘Twas magical, I tell you…. moonset and sunrise have always been my favorite in all directions of time…. even back in Atlantis I remember sitting on a rock, waiting for the moon to go down and the sun to take its place.  Only then, I was not alone. Those were times of endless happiness, unconditional love and an awareness that illuminated my soul. I long for those times. The more I stay in the fish tank the more I reminisce and the more I remember, the more Blue I feel….

I remember, white walls and painted blue doors and window frames… a magic spot in the Cyclades. The ultimate Greek island experience one would say, but my mind rolls to one specific afternoon. While sipping iced coffee and looking in the Caldera, I blocked all sounds around me except the extraordinary voice of Sade singing Paradise and I felt the cloud touch my bare shoulders as it hovered on the volcano· one of the few moments of my earth life that I can replay over and over, having exactly the same feelings every time.

I‘ve had visitors in my fish tank the last few days…. some dare to come in, others stand outside and place that funny ear piece on the glass to hear my words. There are also those that just want to know what I’m thinking so they wait for me to write. They don’t utter a word to me; they just wait like vultures to read, thinking they will understand my world. How naïve! How can one stand outside the fish tank, refuse to get in, reject my attempt to converse and believe that they can understand my world……A half crazy mermaid, living in a fish tank wearing her heart as a necklace, feeling blue!!

I paint my nails blue, plant a pot of Forget-me-not, wear my blue silk scarf and change the tune to an 80’s Madonna singing True Blue….. I hit the water with my tail and make waves…. it’s time to go…

Now, which wave am I going to ride?
                                                                                                 Copyright © 2013 Emilia


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Love at the Playground


My love reads to me,
And we look at the clouds
And we listen to music
And we sing
And we play the guitar
And we eat cake
And we smoke 100 cigarettes just to make smoke rings and laugh
And then we drink beer mixed with coffee
And recite poetry
And laugh at silly things
And we cry when it's time to part
And hope that the next time will be even better than the last time
And we kiss softly
And we bite each other until it hurts
And we make love until the morning hours
And eat  chili peppers until our mouth goes numb
And we throw food at each other and make a mess everywhere
And we take candle-lit baths 
And we dance in the rain 
And we walk on the beach looking for sea glass
And we wear each other's perfume to feel close when we're apart
And look in each other's eyes long enough to know that right there is exactly where we belong!

                                                                                                               Copyright © 2013 Emilia

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mermaid in a Fish Tank!


I have been captured! How can one swim fast with an injured tail?

Why is it that men find mermaids fascinating? Is it because they have stories to tell ? Is it because they travel in worlds unseen by human eye? Or is it because they can adapt to any environment and any situation?
Well I cannot adapt to living in a fish tank!
I cannot live constrained in these glass walls just to be in water!
I shall stay here just for a while...just until my tail heals! As soon as I can swim, far away it will be! The only thing I 'll be leaving behind is my heart! I coughed it out anyway! I don't need it anymore.... I can still be who I am without a heart. It will make things less complicated!
The strange thing about being in a fish tank is that the people that put you there forget about your existence. Suddenly they walk and talk forgetting or maybe ignoring your presence. Involuntary overhearing can become unbearably torturing!
I swallow my pills.... For the pain they said, but I doubt it! One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you illusion of fitting into their world....they just want to make me get used to the fish tank!  And right there, trying to find a way out of the mess I got myself into, I overhear the most compelling, extraordinary, mind blowing truth I have ever heard!

"How long is forever? asked Alice. "Sometimes just one second" answered the  white rabbit!

                                                                                                                           Copyright © 2013  Emilia

Friday, May 3, 2013

Ήλιος και Σελήνη!

Αργά το βράδυ, όταν στροβιλίζομαι στο κρεβάτι μέχρι τις πρωινές ώρες, χωρίς ύπνο, στέκομαι κάποτε στο παράθυρο...
Κάποτε φοβόμουν να κοιμηθώ με το παράθυρο ανοιχτό... Τώρα, δεν μπορώ να το κλείσω.... Πόσο άλλαξα!  Οταν κοιτάξω πίσω δυό χρόνια βλέπω μια γυναίκα που δεν υπάρχει πια. Και εκείνη ξενυχτούσε τα βράδια, για άλλους λόγους όμως. Λόγους που τώρα μου φαντάζουν γελοίοι, αρρωστημένοι, ψυχωτικοί! 
Τώρα όταν γυρίζω ανήσυχη στο κρεβάτι είναι γιατί θέλω να γράψω. Στέκομαι στο παράθυρο και κοιτάζω τον ουρανό. Η μαγεία του νυχτερινού ουρανού έχει πάνω μου σχεδόν την ίδια επίδραση που έχει και η θάλασσα. Και εκεί ταξιδεύω...
Καμιά φορά, στο γεμάτο φεγγάρι, φεύγω μακριά,  τρέχω σε δρόμους που οδηγούν στη θάλασσα, σεληνιασμένη, ξυπόλητη, φορώντας λευκή μεταξωτή νυχτικιά, μαλλιά να ανεμίζουν και στα χείλη κόκκινο κραγιόν....
Άλλοτε κοιτάζω με νοσταλγία την Αφροδίτη, προσπαθώ να θυμηθώ την ζωή μου εκεί, αλλά μάταια. 
Ο Σείριος μου χαμογελά, θα θυμηθείς μου λέει. Μην το παλεύεις.
Ο Απόλλωνας, ο θεός του Ήλιου μου χτυπά την πόρτα! Τον περίμενα χρόνια... Άργησε αλλά ήρθε... 
Στέκομαι στο παράθυρο και περιμένω. Ξέρω ότι ήρθε η ώρα και χαμογελώ! Κοιτάζω το φεγγάρι και του θυμίζω ότι χρωστά σφηνάκια τεκίλας. 
Δεν θα κοιμηθώ... Θα ξημερώσει και ο Απόλλωνας θα έρθει για να φύγουμε μαζί!
Αναστενάζω, και φοράω την λευκή μεταξωτή νυχτικιά....

                                                                                        Copyright © 2013 Emilia

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ένα μισοφέγγαρο κερνάει σφηνάκια!

Ξαπλωμένη στο κρεβάτι μου βλέπω την λεπτή κουρτίνα να χορεύει μπροστά στο ανοιχτό παράθυρο, καθώς ένα δροσερό αεράκι εισβάλλει στο δωμάτιο.
Έχει πάει τρείς η ώρα και ο Μορφέας μάλλον με έχει ξεχάσει.
Καθώς η κάμαρα φωτίζεται μόνο από το λαμπερό μισοφέγγαρο απέναντι, αναρωτιέμαι αν κοιμάσαι ή αν κοιτάς και συ το ίδιο φεγγάρι!
Έχω ξαπλώσει πάνω σε πουπουλένια μαξιλάρια, έχω βάλει τα χέρια μου πίσω από το κεφάλι μου και με τα γόνατα λυγισμένα ρεμβάζω και σκέφτομαι εσένα...
Το φεγγάρι μου θυμίζει κομμένη φέτα λεμονιού, σαν αυτές που σερβίρουν στα μπαρ με τα σφηνάκια τεκίλας. Αν ήσουν τώρα εδώ ίσως να πίναμε τεκίλα, με λεμόνι και αλάτι, ίσως να την δοκιμάζαμε με φέτα πορτοκαλιού και πιπέρι· έτσι για να ξυπνήσουμε τις αισθήσεις....θα γελούσαμε όμως γιατί θα με έλεγες τρελή!
Χαμογελώ και κλείνω το μάτι στο μισοφέγγαρο... Βάζουμε στοίχημα για τα σφηνάκια τεκίλας και γυρίζω στο πλάι γιατί ακούω τον Μορφέα να σιμώνει!!!
Θα το αντέξω άραγε το καλοκαίρι;

                                                                                                                            Copyright © 2013 Emilia 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

As Above so Below: To Be or Not to Be!

A beached mermaid, that's what I have been since I gave up my tail....
And it seems that along with the scaly part of my body, part of my soul has gone too..... A voluntary decision, yes, but why does it feel like I have sold my soul to devil, who took it without a second thought!
I exchanged my flawless, flexible shiny tail to a pair of heavy tired legs that at this point are dragging
the rest of my body to dry lands....
In this part of the world, the temperature has risen and it seems that it makes people a little bit crazy....
shoes come off, clothes come off, body parts become suddenly visible and hormones hit the roof!
In my eyes, the eternal blue is mirrored and it comes alive when the scent of the waters hits my nostrils....
I sit on the dock and wait... I wait for Achilles to come, as he is the only one at this time who knows
how to get me back in the water...sometimes I am not sure who needs this the most; Achilles or I?
As I see a figure approaching, I recognize his movements, and I think to myself that this brisk, dance-like pace of his must be similar to his war techniques... I have a serious palpitation increase... And something
very annoying is stuck in my throat. All of a sudden I want to cough so hard, so hard that I will spit
my heart out.... I remember reading the words of another mermaid who felt the exact same way....
His embrace, his kiss and his laughter lift my spirits and change my mood.
"Shall we go for a swim?"
He isn't really asking, he is telling me and I love the fact that I am letting him control me. We stand face to face at the end of the dock. Not a single word voiced, we stare in each others eyes slowly undressing one another..... It’s a ritual, a preparation for what is to follow. I stand naked at the end of the dock and even though it feels awkward,  I let him move two steps backwards as I feel he wants to have a good look at
my nakedness.... His eyes carefully examine every inch of my body paying particular attention to my newly acquired pair of legs.
It is at that moment that I realize that it doesn't really matter. Whether a scaly shiny tail or a sculptured
pair of legs, it doesn't make a difference! It is the journey that the two of us will take. That's what it is,
that's what matters!
Those few seconds before we jump into the beautiful night waters last for an eternity, and as the
decreasing moon illuminates my water world, it also illuminates my heart, the same heart that I was
ready to spit out a while earlier...
All these years I had been swimming around a chalice that I thought was full of love, begging for some
drops to quench my everlasting thirst...
What I hadn't realized was that I am an ocean of pure, unconditional love, pouring out into all kinds of chalices! I can fill chalices with mythical treasures, gold and emeralds and diamonds and rubies...
my sources everlasting, never-ending....
Achilles puts his hand in mine, tangles our fingers, smiles at me and says:
"Shall we?"
I smile back, close my eyes and do a free fall! Without worrying what will happen I tell myself:
"You are an endless ocean of love, pure and unconditional...pour it freely around you and you shall
receive it in chalices, no boundaries, no limits...."
Once more Achilles and I swam to the river Styx... Once more I gave him my world and he gave me moments of immortality, singing "the wildest moments"!
 I wish some nights lasted forever!!!!!!!!

Copyright © 2013 Emilia