Saturday, April 20, 2013

As Above so Below : There where Worlds collide.......

"I have changed" I told her, "I am not who I used to be in my previous life. I burned that side of my existence and scattered the ashes in every place that held memories, and as the ashes were toxic, the memories were burned too!
I was a "Stepford  wife too you know! I know what it's like!"
My friend looked at me with tears in her eyes, blowing her smoke and flicking the ashes on the dock.
She comes to the dock every day at the same time, stays for half an hour, smokes three cigarettes one after the other, cries a little bit and then, she takes a deep breath and goes back to her reality!
My friend is a "Stepford wife", gave up her career to be a stay-at-home mom....a "good" wife who cleans, cooks, and entertains...someone who has put her own needs aside, to be exactly how somebody else wants her to be....
That part of my life has faded... I can hardly remember any details.... I just remember losing myself in a tornado.... Spinning like crazy, parts of me scattered everywhere and me nowhere to be found complete.... How did I do it? How did I allow myself to become that angry unhappy person because of somebody else's wants? I see my friend's anger and I fear. I am afraid she has lost herself somewhere between cooking meals, changing nappies and attending her husband's business parties!
"I have a potion" I told her! "It will give you a tail like mine for as long as you need it! I will show you what it's like to swim in every sea, in any depth. I 'll take you dancing on the waves, you'll tango with the dolphins and salsa with the sharks!"
"The sharks" she said ? " No way, I am afraid of sharks."
"Why? There's nothing to be afraid of!" I reassured her.  "If you comprehend  that you have to deal with each species differently, then you can have the perfect relationship with each and every one of them! Learn to adapt, change! That's the secret! When you change the way you look at things, things around you change!!"
She looked at me...and yelled: "but it's not my fault! "
I smiled.... "I know" I told her handing her the potion!! "I know....."
She downed it like a tequila shot and in no time she was in the water with me....
"Show me" she said, " show me how you swim in circles, how you jump from one circle to another."
"Just watch me " I shouted splashing water on her face with my tail.... "Keep your circles open and everybody will be happy! Dolphins, sharks, swordfish.... Everybody!!"

                                                                                                                             Copyright © 2013Emilia

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