Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pandora's Box!

Quoting myself from earlier this week.....

"On a hazy humid morning like today, my minds places I'd rather keep hidden, locked, put away for almost forever......
Feelings, thoughts and sentiments I thought I had buried in a little jeweled box along with some words on blue crispy paper, suddenly made their existence acknowledged! I almost forgot..... I called that little box my own Pandora's box.... carefully but lovingly put away never to be opened again. Not in this lifetime! Dans une autre vie peut etre!
When face to face with reality, I understood that sometimes the contracts and agreements we once made prior to this incarnation on the 3-D earth plane, cannot be broken, and like an invisible hand, destiny guides us to the fulfillment of our spiritual blueprint.......
I look at the contents of my little box in awe! And I whisper to myself.... So Be It!"

 Change is the only constant in our lives…It’s the way people try not to change that’s unnatural:

The way we cling to what things were, instead of letting them what they are,

The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones,

Or the way we insist on believing despite every scientific indication that anything in this life is permanent!

Change is constant! How we experience change though, that’s up to us.

It can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance in life; if we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it,

It can feel like pure adrenalin,

like at any moment we can have another chance at life…
like at any moment we can be born all over again!!!!

For better or worse we become more than our biology. The risk of course, is that we can change too much, to the point we don’t recognize ourselves.Finding the way back can be difficult. There is no compass, no map…. We just have to close our eyes, take a step and hope to God we get there…………

It’s very difficult to block the mind form rolling deep into the past, into blissful as well as terrifying moments in time that played a major role into forming one’s personality! When alone, we tumble into the abyss of our own labyrinth….. We are trapped, with little possibility of finding the way out and it is at that point we come face to face with our demons….. Some of us will let the demons take over; we become predictably unstable, selfish and let anger and jealousy torment our every cell. Some of us though, prepare for impact! We fight the demons with every means available until there’s nothing left. The length of recovery is determined by the extend of the injuries, and it’s not always successful, no matter how hard we work at it. Some of us might never fully heal... we might have to adjust to a whole new way of living. Things may have changed too radically to ever go back to what they were. You might not even recognize yourself. It’s like you haven't recovered anything at are a whole new person...with a whole new life....

As we move along the guided lines of our life's blueprint, oblivious to the dramatic changes that occur during this journey, the biggest challenge of all, is taming one's ego!
Once we acknowledge that these changes probably serve a Divine purpose, we can then accept that when we find the strength to release and move on, the void that was once painfully crying to be filled, is nothing but an opportunity for the gates of a secret garden we never knew actually existed, to appear in front of us wide open!!!

I've come to the conclusion that whilst everything happens for a reason..... people come and go only to serve a specific purpose in our life! We make pacts, agreements..... we shake hands over complicated blueprints that we, ourselves design, oblivious to the effects they will actually have on us and the people around us... these blue prints are there from the beginning of time and we are the only ones who can actually make changes! So yes, right now I am GRATEFUL for what I had, what I have today and what tomorrow will bring me 'cause whatever it is, I know that somewhere in another dimension, I agreed to it, I planned it and I designed it exactly how I want it to be! I am grateful for the people that walked out of my life 'cause they've taught me valuable lessons and made me grow....I've learned that when you love unconditionally, you let go.....and I'm also grateful to the new people that walked into my life cause they brought this wind of change that blew like a whirlwind and slapped me in the face, making me want to live it all! For the first time in years, I'm shedding old rotten skin....... a painful process but an exciting one nonetheless! The new skin is beautiful, shiny, flawless...... and I am enjoying every minute of it!

                                                                                                                           Copyright © 2013 Emilia

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